Friday, November 04, 2005

Random Stuff About Me

Well, my dear internet people, it occurs to me that y'all pretty much know nothing about me. Yes, I realize that the more I write the more you will all come to know and love me ('s me). So I figure that until then I'll help you along, and yes, I totally know this is a rip off of about eleventymillion other blogs. To that end, may I present.....

100 Random Things About Me

  1. I was born in Beech Grove, Indiana - a town nobody has ever heard of, including other people from Indiana.
  2. I have actually met one other person who was born in the same town. No...I did not meet her in Indiana, I met her here in Houston.
  3. I work in the IT department for a major oil and gas company.
  4. I have more pairs of black shoes and black pants than is reasonable, but they're all necessary and I can't get rid of any of them.
  5. I've read "Confederacy of Dunces" approximately eleventy billion times and it just gets funnier every time I read it.
  6. Unless I'm at work or asleep, you'll rarely find me without a book in my hand.
  7. I have two cats. One weighs 23lbs. and one weighs 19lbs. I have checked with the vet and they are, in fact cats and not mountain lions.
  8. I have Lupus, but I really don't like talking about it. I'm on the "just don't think about it" treatment plan.
  9. I'm slightly OCD and have this thing about cleanliness, organization and personal space.
  10. Because of this my husband calls me "Monk".
  11. I only have to be in my office for another 45 minutes - YEAY!!!
  12. I have a deep and (I've been told) unreasonable fear of sharks. The thought of "Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel is enough to break me out into hives.
  13. When I was ten a table fell on my head and left a scar on my eyebrow. As a result of this I will never have perfectly arched eyebrows and this really, really pisses me off.
  14. My sister has perfectly arched eyebrows and doesn't even need to have them waxed and/or shaped to get them, because they just grow that way. This also really, really pisses me off.
  15. My sister is also freaking gorgeous and amazingly smart. If I didn't adore her I'd be plotting her death right now. One day, I want to be like her. Can y'all tell I'm completely enamored of her?
  16. I spend entirely too much time and money in Sephoria, but no one can criticize me for this since Sephoria is the closest thing I have to a religion.
  17. Between my husband and I we have close to 3000 cd's. Maybe more, since we've stopped counting.
  18. My mom's idea of a lulleby was "Mercedez Benz" by Janis Joplin and "Eve of Distruction by Berry McGuire.
  19. I'm concerned that if the FBI people ever downloaded the searches on my DVR that they'd haul me in for questioning since I'm constantly watching shows about serial killers and vampires.
  20. Nick calls this my "fascination with the Macabre" and blames many of my personality "quirks" on it.
  21. Who am I kidding? Based on the record of which library books I've checked out the FBI probably already has me under surveillance.
  22. People do not like playing board games or sports with me because I'm extremely competitive.
  23. After the move Titanic came out I got very sick of random people I did not know walking up to me and saying "you look just like that girl in Titanic". Shut up. Yes, I already know I look like Kate Winslet and you're only the fifty-third person today to tell me that.
  24. I looked up today while I was riding the bus home from work and saw a sign that said "Needed: Salespeople" only I thought it said "Naked: Salespeople".
  25. I think Jon Stewart and Barack Obama are geniuses.
  26. I tend to refer to Ted Kennedy as "Drunken Uncle Teddy", but I still love him.
  27. Bill Clinton was my favorite president.
  28. I tend to get waaaay to worked up over politics.
  29. My friends swear I'm attracted to guys who look like they're on heroin (Dave Navarro, Rob Zombie, Trent Reznor, etc.).
  30. I married a very normal looking (but cute) guy.
  31. I cannot stand when people sit next to me on the bus. MOVE DOWN PEOPLE and STOP TOUCHING ME!!!!
  32. I'm drinking a little too much red wine right now in the attempts to be creative and finish this list.
  33. I *heart* red wine.
  34. You should all meet my friend Jen. She's amazing and you would all love her.
  35. I talk to my mom almost everyday, my grandmother once a week and my aunt/godmother at least once a month.
  36. I cried like a baby the day the day Johnny Cash died.
  37. I have a mouth that will make sailors blush and this annoys my husband.
  38. Fuck is my favorite's sooo versatile.
  39. I have really bad road rage.
  40. I have road rage even if I'm a passenger.
  41. When I go up I want to be Emmylou Harris.
  42. "Tangled up in Blue"and anything by Gram Parsons makes me cry because it makes me think of my stepdad who passed away in July.
  43. My stepdad and I were fighting/not speaking when he died and I don't think I'll ever get over that.
  44. I tend to hold grudges. Sometimes for years, sometimes for five minutes.
  45. Yes, I live in, I did not vote for George Bush....either of them...either time.
  46. I'm against the death penalty...Vehemently.
  47. I wish I lived closer to my family.
  48. My father-in-law is a short Indian man who tends to do impromptu Elvis impersonations.
  49. I'm 100% Croatian and extremely proud of it.
  50. I'm addicted to Ohio State Football....GO BUCKEYES!!!
  51. Because of Jen, on occasion I'll also watch LSU football.
  52. "The Road Goes on Forever" will always put me in a good mood.
  53. The phrase "I want my two dollars" will always make me laugh.
  54. Steel Magnolias and An Affair to Remember will always make me cry.
  55. I once got fired from a job and when they asked me if I had anything to say I responded with "Damn the man, Save the empire".
  56. My mom's a rageing Hippie and I love her for it.
  57. I think "Romeo and Juliet" by Mark Knopfler,"Lonely all the Time" by Rekless Kelly and "Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison are the most romantic/sexy songs of all time.
  58. "Affirmation" by Savage Garden describes exactly the values my mother raised me with.
  59. I am forever grateful for the values I was raised with.
  60. I really want to have a child, but I'm afraid I'll give birth to a football playing-fraternity joining-head of the young republicans type kid.
  61. I think I'll raise a kid that sees what all is wrong/evil with being a Republican.
  62. My hope is to raise a kid who is able to think for him/herself.
  63. I worked at Planned Parenthood for five years. It was the best job/most worthwhile job I've ever had.
  64. My friend Rod's birthday is tomorrow and I'm fairly sure drunken debauchery will ensue. I can pretty much guarantee an intresting entry either on Sunday or Monday, depending on how hung over I am.
  65. I can drink an Irish Car-Bomb faster than anyone I've ever met.
  66. I once, drunk on tequila, ran my own face into a tree. The next morning I forgot about that and demanded to know who hit me and why I had a black eye.
  67. I have no respect for people who have casual sex without a condom.
  68. I firmly believe that women who say they've never masturbated are lying.
  69. I wonder why women feel like masturbation/their bodies in general are things to be ashamed of.
  70. I hate Rush Limbaugh and Jerry Fallwell.
  71. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speach will always bring me to tears.
  72. Ft. Worth Blues by Steve Earl is one of the most heartfelt, powerful songs I've ever heard. Especially if you know who he wrote it for.
  73. I wish I knew more about the Hindu religion.
  74. I was raised Catholic, but have issues with the Catholic church.
  75. I love my dad, but I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye on anything but The Bulls, and that makes me sad.
  76. Houston's a great town, but Chicago will always be "home" to me.
  77. I miss good pizza. Specifically Home Run Inn pizza.
  78. The Field Museum is the happiest place on earth....not Disneyland.
  79. I want to see Macchu Picchu one day.
  80. I think Nick and I would love living in London.
  81. "Redemption Song" is one of the greatest songs of all time.
  82. I wonder if the plural of "penis" is "peni"?
  83. Rusted Root always makes me want to dance.
  84. Did I mention that I'm drinking red wine?
  85. The best man at my wedding was a woman.
  86. I think this confused some people, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
  87. I have a really great singing voice, but get embarrassed singing in front of people I can care about. However, I can sing in front of random strangers until the cows come home.
  88. Where the fuck were the cows that they needed to come home in the first place.
  89. I live in Texas, but HATE bar-b-que.
  90. My idea of the perfect Saturday is breakfast with Nick at Empire Cafe (ooohhh, french toast) and going to the art museum.
  91. I cannot believe I've gotten this far with my list.
  92. In high school I did waaaaay to many drugs.
  93. I am obsessed with "Gilmore Girls", and if you watch the show, you already know this based on the "Oy with the Poodles Already" reference.
  94. I smoke to damn much.
  95. I'll quit smoking when we buy a house (which we're in the process of).
  96. My hips are double jointed.
  97. No, that does not have any pratical applications.
  98. I was lucky enough to marry my best friend.
  99. I'm completely enamored with Stich (of Lilo & Stitch fame).
  100. I fucking rock!!!


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