Random Stuff About Me
Well, my dear internet people, it occurs to me that y'all pretty much know nothing about me. Yes, I realize that the more I write the more you will all come to know and love me (hey...it's inevitable...trust me). So I figure that until then I'll help you along, and yes, I totally know this is a rip off of about eleventymillion other blogs. To that end, may I present.....
100 Random Things About Me
- I was born in Beech Grove, Indiana - a town nobody has ever heard of, including other people from Indiana.
- I have actually met one other person who was born in the same town. No...I did not meet her in Indiana, I met her here in Houston.
- I work in the IT department for a major oil and gas company.
- I have more pairs of black shoes and black pants than is reasonable, but they're all necessary and I can't get rid of any of them.
- I've read "Confederacy of Dunces" approximately eleventy billion times and it just gets funnier every time I read it.
- Unless I'm at work or asleep, you'll rarely find me without a book in my hand.
- I have two cats. One weighs 23lbs. and one weighs 19lbs. I have checked with the vet and they are, in fact cats and not mountain lions.
- I have Lupus, but I really don't like talking about it. I'm on the "just don't think about it" treatment plan.
- I'm slightly OCD and have this thing about cleanliness, organization and personal space.
- Because of this my husband calls me "Monk".
- I only have to be in my office for another 45 minutes - YEAY!!!
- I have a deep and (I've been told) unreasonable fear of sharks. The thought of "Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel is enough to break me out into hives.
- When I was ten a table fell on my head and left a scar on my eyebrow. As a result of this I will never have perfectly arched eyebrows and this really, really pisses me off.
- My sister has perfectly arched eyebrows and doesn't even need to have them waxed and/or shaped to get them, because they just grow that way. This also really, really pisses me off.
- My sister is also freaking gorgeous and amazingly smart. If I didn't adore her I'd be plotting her death right now. One day, I want to be like her. Can y'all tell I'm completely enamored of her?
- I spend entirely too much time and money in Sephoria, but no one can criticize me for this since Sephoria is the closest thing I have to a religion.
- Between my husband and I we have close to 3000 cd's. Maybe more, since we've stopped counting.
- My mom's idea of a lulleby was "Mercedez Benz" by Janis Joplin and "Eve of Distruction by Berry McGuire.
- I'm concerned that if the FBI people ever downloaded the searches on my DVR that they'd haul me in for questioning since I'm constantly watching shows about serial killers and vampires.
- Nick calls this my "fascination with the Macabre" and blames many of my personality "quirks" on it.
- Who am I kidding? Based on the record of which library books I've checked out the FBI probably already has me under surveillance.
- People do not like playing board games or sports with me because I'm extremely competitive.
- After the move Titanic came out I got very sick of random people I did not know walking up to me and saying "you look just like that girl in Titanic". Shut up. Yes, I already know I look like Kate Winslet and you're only the fifty-third person today to tell me that.
- I looked up today while I was riding the bus home from work and saw a sign that said "Needed: Salespeople" only I thought it said "Naked: Salespeople".
- I think Jon Stewart and Barack Obama are geniuses.
- I tend to refer to Ted Kennedy as "Drunken Uncle Teddy", but I still love him.
- Bill Clinton was my favorite president.
- I tend to get waaaay to worked up over politics.
- My friends swear I'm attracted to guys who look like they're on heroin (Dave Navarro, Rob Zombie, Trent Reznor, etc.).
- I married a very normal looking (but cute) guy.
- I cannot stand when people sit next to me on the bus. MOVE DOWN PEOPLE and STOP TOUCHING ME!!!!
- I'm drinking a little too much red wine right now in the attempts to be creative and finish this list.
- I *heart* red wine.
- You should all meet my friend Jen. She's amazing and you would all love her.
- I talk to my mom almost everyday, my grandmother once a week and my aunt/godmother at least once a month.
- I cried like a baby the day the day Johnny Cash died.
- I have a mouth that will make sailors blush and this annoys my husband.
- Fuck is my favorite word....it's sooo versatile.
- I have really bad road rage.
- I have road rage even if I'm a passenger.
- When I go up I want to be Emmylou Harris.
- "Tangled up in Blue"and anything by Gram Parsons makes me cry because it makes me think of my stepdad who passed away in July.
- My stepdad and I were fighting/not speaking when he died and I don't think I'll ever get over that.
- I tend to hold grudges. Sometimes for years, sometimes for five minutes.
- Yes, I live in Texas....no, I did not vote for George Bush....either of them...either time.
- I'm against the death penalty...Vehemently.
- I wish I lived closer to my family.
- My father-in-law is a short Indian man who tends to do impromptu Elvis impersonations.
- I'm 100% Croatian and extremely proud of it.
- I'm addicted to Ohio State Football....GO BUCKEYES!!!
- Because of Jen, on occasion I'll also watch LSU football.
- "The Road Goes on Forever" will always put me in a good mood.
- The phrase "I want my two dollars" will always make me laugh.
- Steel Magnolias and An Affair to Remember will always make me cry.
- I once got fired from a job and when they asked me if I had anything to say I responded with "Damn the man, Save the empire".
- My mom's a rageing Hippie and I love her for it.
- I think "Romeo and Juliet" by Mark Knopfler,"Lonely all the Time" by Rekless Kelly and "Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison are the most romantic/sexy songs of all time.
- "Affirmation" by Savage Garden describes exactly the values my mother raised me with.
- I am forever grateful for the values I was raised with.
- I really want to have a child, but I'm afraid I'll give birth to a football playing-fraternity joining-head of the young republicans type kid.
- I think I'll raise a kid that sees what all is wrong/evil with being a Republican.
- My hope is to raise a kid who is able to think for him/herself.
- I worked at Planned Parenthood for five years. It was the best job/most worthwhile job I've ever had.
- My friend Rod's birthday is tomorrow and I'm fairly sure drunken debauchery will ensue. I can pretty much guarantee an intresting entry either on Sunday or Monday, depending on how hung over I am.
- I can drink an Irish Car-Bomb faster than anyone I've ever met.
- I once, drunk on tequila, ran my own face into a tree. The next morning I forgot about that and demanded to know who hit me and why I had a black eye.
- I have no respect for people who have casual sex without a condom.
- I firmly believe that women who say they've never masturbated are lying.
- I wonder why women feel like masturbation/their bodies in general are things to be ashamed of.
- I hate Rush Limbaugh and Jerry Fallwell.
- Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speach will always bring me to tears.
- Ft. Worth Blues by Steve Earl is one of the most heartfelt, powerful songs I've ever heard. Especially if you know who he wrote it for.
- I wish I knew more about the Hindu religion.
- I was raised Catholic, but have issues with the Catholic church.
- I love my dad, but I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye on anything but The Bulls, and that makes me sad.
- Houston's a great town, but Chicago will always be "home" to me.
- I miss good pizza. Specifically Home Run Inn pizza.
- The Field Museum is the happiest place on earth....not Disneyland.
- I want to see Macchu Picchu one day.
- I think Nick and I would love living in London.
- "Redemption Song" is one of the greatest songs of all time.
- I wonder if the plural of "penis" is "peni"?
- Rusted Root always makes me want to dance.
- Did I mention that I'm drinking red wine?
- The best man at my wedding was a woman.
- I think this confused some people, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
- I have a really great singing voice, but get embarrassed singing in front of people I can care about. However, I can sing in front of random strangers until the cows come home.
- Where the fuck were the cows that they needed to come home in the first place.
- I live in Texas, but HATE bar-b-que.
- My idea of the perfect Saturday is breakfast with Nick at Empire Cafe (ooohhh, french toast) and going to the art museum.
- I cannot believe I've gotten this far with my list.
- In high school I did waaaaay to many drugs.
- I am obsessed with "Gilmore Girls", and if you watch the show, you already know this based on the "Oy with the Poodles Already" reference.
- I smoke to damn much.
- I'll quit smoking when we buy a house (which we're in the process of).
- My hips are double jointed.
- No, that does not have any pratical applications.
- I was lucky enough to marry my best friend.
- I'm completely enamored with Stich (of Lilo & Stitch fame).
- I fucking rock!!!
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