Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Ganksthiving!

No, I'm not dead and I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I've just been really, really busy. I quit my job (long story) and started a new one Monday (even longer story) and between that and getting ready for Thanksgiving just have not had a whole lot of time to write.

However...I promise this weekend to sit down and write a proper entry. I'll expand upon the job thing and maybe even tell y'all a Thanksgiving story that has become legend in my family.

Here's what's on the menu at my place tomorrow:

Roasted Turky
Yummy, Yummy stuffing (really the only think I eat at Thanksgiving)
Broccoli Cheese casserole
Macaroni & Cheese (homemade...not the creepy kind in a blue box)
Cranberry Sauce (must be in a can, I think that sound is funny when it plops out of the can)
Mashed Potatoes
Green beans w/ browned butter and almonds
Peas (evil, evil peas...oh how I hate you)
Oh yea...more wine.


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