I'm Back...(Insert Poltergeist Voice Here)
So..um, yeah. Not dead yet.
Okay, I know that I've completely neglected all of you and that your lives are void of meaning without my musings, rambleings, and smart ass comments, but now that things have calmed down (somewhat) I'll start writing again and all will be right with the world.
Now the only thing to decide is where to begin? I guess the only thing to do is give you all a brief overview of what all has happened since March.
1. We bought and moved into the house...I promise...lots of pictures coming soon!
2. I got a fantastic job that I love, even though it can make me crazy sometimes. Oh...and I finally have a boss who I adore and who is nothing like she who is the essence of all that is evil (Joyce...you evil whore...I hope you're attacked and eaten by a roving pack of wild boars).
3. I finally convinced Nick to get me a puppy. World..meet Max, the most perfect and adorable puppy in the world!

So, there you go...all up-to-date. More tomorrow (stop laughing, I'm being serious!)
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