Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Fucking Hell pt. Deux

NOTE: This will probably make more sense if you read the first entry below entitled "Fucking Hell".

I managed to make it home without killing anyone. A quick stop to the wine store has provided me with two bottles of Pinot Noir, so now I'm ready to continue the saga of the day from hell.

Where was I? Ahhh yes, the Soul Shattering Psycho called me and demanded chicken quesadillas. I knew I shouldn't have answered my damn phone. After questioning the nice folks at Taco Cabana to see if arsenic would be an extra charge, I bring the SSP her fucking quesadilla. Rather than actually saying something trite like "Thank you" she looks me dead in the face and says "What took you so long?" I was both proud and amazed at my restraint when I didn't dump her Diet Coke in her lap.

Fucking Hell.

The day progresses slowly as hell. Basically it's one damn problem after another and I get my ass chewed out by the SSP another 15 times or so. The good news is that I'm not the only one getting my ass chewed out...pretty much everyone is fair game as far as this bitch is concerned. I actually had one of our sales people come into my office and start crying.

Fucking Hell.

I'm not good with crying people. I always say the wrong thing. After she finished crying and carrying on about how mean and unfair the SSP is the only answer I could come up with was "Welcome to my world, glad you could visit". Probably not the nice, reassuring comment she was looking for, but oh-fucking-well.

About 3:00 I call my home phone to check the messages and hear this weird message from some moving company saying "Hi Nick. We've got you all scheduled for tomorrow, we'll be there between 8-10 in the morning to pack all your stuff and move it to your new house"

What the fuck? Either Nick has finally gotten sick of my crazy ass and is leaving me or some movers are coming to pack up all my shit and move it into a house that isn't finished being built yet.

Fucking Hell.

I call Nick who assures me that he's not leaving my crazy ass (yet) and that he'll call the movers and tell them not to move all my shit into an unfinished house.

Oh yeah...Monday and Tuesday were equally as hellish. Tomorrow doesn't look much better, and I've learned that my dad has skin cancer, my uncle's cancer has spread and now they're stopping treatment and focusing on "just making him comfy", they put the wrong tile in my master bathroom and there's a chance Nick might loose his job.

Fucking Hell.

I need to go and drink MUCH more wine now.


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