Thursday, December 28, 2006

Peer Pressure & New Years Resolutions

I’ve never been all that great at resisting peer pressure, which would probably explain why I spent most of high school in a chemically altered state. Well, that and the fact that it was just plain fun and made the ugly carpet at McCullough High School do the most amazing things. Not that I’m recommending anyone take a boat-load of acid and go stare at come carpet or anything….those days have pretty much come and gone. Besides, McCullough is (I think) now a Junior High School and I’m pretty sure that if you go in there, eyes all dilated, thinking your skin’s melting and asking to just hang out and look at the carpet, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be arrested.

Then again, you’re pretty much guaranteed to turn a profit selling acid to kids from a wealthy suburb with too much time and cash on their hands. Not that I’m recommending that either. Seriously…if you get arrested for selling acid to a 12 year old then you pretty much just suck. Unless of course, you are a 12 year old. No, nevermind…forget I said that, because I’m sure that’s going to come back and bite me in the ass. Um…I’d better just quit while I’m ahead.

Anyway…back to the peer pressure thing. Over the past month or so, I’ve had three different people ask me why I stopped writing and updating my blog (both the myspace blog and the Blogger one). Basically, I just got crazy busy. However, since the cyber dwelling public has apparently gotten some kind amusement out of the chaos and humiliation that is my life (um…hitting a man in the face w/ leopard print panties at kickboxing is pretty damn humiliating) I shall make a New Year’s Resolution (which never work well for me…trust me on this) to start writing again.

So…since this is pretty much just a prelude of the insanity to come, I’ll just go ahead and give you some topics that I plan on writing about. Sort of an incentive to peak your interest. Or lack thereof.

• The Great Pinot Noir Tasting Debacle of 2006 – yeah…like I’m really going to spit out perfectly good wine into a funky silver bucket thingy.
• Why that horrible chick in Evanessence should be charged with Crimes against Humanity.
• Why my attempting to quit smoking will end up in what is sure to be a horrifying, comical and tragic event, possibly resulting in someone’s death and/or dismemberment.
• A retrospective on Times I’ve Fallen off of my Shoes While Drunk
• Why my Muslim neighbors kept throwing food off their balcony and onto my head

More later……

No, really…I promise there will be more entries later


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