More Fun With Lists
Well, since the random food lists were so much fun and not a whole lot of anything interesting has happened for me to write about, I figured I'd come up with a couple more random lists of stuff:
Favorite Songs:
London Calling - The Clash
Redemption Song - Bob Marley
Southbound 35 - Pat Green
Punk Rock Girl - The Dead Milkmen
Tangled up in Blue - Bob Dylan
Anything by The Ramones
Songs that Annoy Me:
I'm too Sexy - by that strange bald guy in the mesh shirt
Forever Young - Rod Stewart (the Alphaville song by this name rules, thou).
We Built this City - Starship
My Name is Luka - Suzanne Vega
Anything by Kenny Chesney or Toby Keith
Random Stuff I Love:
*The fact that my boss is out of the office for the rest of the day
*The new pink Razer (must have this!!!)
*Beagle puppies
*Clean, freshly ironed sheets
*The Colbert Report (too damn funny)
*The fact that I found out a former friend of mine who is now my arch-nemesis has gotten REALLY fat!!! (How's those karma burns, bitch?)
*Red wine
*The fact that I can wear jeans to work everyday
*Reckless Kelly playing a show on my birthday (can't freaking wait)
*Anthony Bourdain (sp?)
Random Stuff that Pisses Me Off
*The fact that I still have 3 1/2 hours before I can go home
*Fox News
*Jerry Falwell
*The smell of Parmesan cheese
*The fact that I looooove cheese but am allergic to dairy products
*Pink wine
*The person who put the wrong tile in the master bathroom in the new house
*Calling any drink served in a martini glass a martini. Martini's are gin/vodka, vermouth and a big damn olive and that's it.
Places I'd Rather Be Than In my Office Right Now:
The beach
Best Movies Ever:
Empire Records
all Monty Python movies
Sunset Boulevard
Movie I'm Most Looking Forward to Seeing:
The new remake of The Hills Have Eyes....please God let that freaky monkey man dude be in this version!!!!
The Funniest & Most Disturbing Thing I've Ever Seen in a Movie:
The Last House on The Left - the scene when the mother bit off sure how to put this delicately, but if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.
Things That Scare The Crap Out of Me:
a world without coffee and/or vodka
the strange noises that come from the guy who's office is next to mine.
Okay...enough fun with lists...I should probably get back to work.